
We offer a wide range of financing solutions that can be used in the same transaction

We structure each investment taking into account the needs and/or business plan of each company or law firm

We fund litigations, arbitrations and any situation related to legal assets. We also cover risks related to legal liabilities

Our support goes beyond the financial support. We have a long-term vision of the needs of our clients, their goals and the trends of the sector in which they operate, making us a long-term strategic partner

Our funding is available since approval and our involvement is limited to coordinating, monitoring and providing support, if necessary, leaving always the lawyer control of the case


Claimbnb offers bespoke solutions, adapting to the needs and the clients’ financial / operational requirements


Type of cases in which we invest


Insolvency proceedings and restructurings

M&A-related disputes

Claims against public administrations

Breach of contract

Unpaid amounts


Intellectual and Industrial Property

Insurance claims

Professional negligence

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