
Our capital serves Justice. We allow companies to unlock value through the immediate monetization of their legal assets

We are a litigation and legal assets investment fund focused on Spain. We are pioneers in providing tailored financing solutions for companies and lawyers, adapting to the idiosyncrasy and particularities of the Spanish market

Legal assets under management
+€ 0 m
+ 0
Opportunities analyzed
+ 0
Investment vehicles
Recovered investments

Our unique business model includes the origination of opportunities through proprietary channels, the internal analysis of opportunities, and the monitoring of investments. This allows us to be agile and to invest in a large number of cases of any size

We have three investment vehicles and propietary capital, which gives us independence and agility in the execution of our investments

We also have experience collaborating with credit funds or other litigation funds

All of this allows us to be a solid financial partner, with innovative solutions at an attractive price

Our values

We reinvest a significant part of our profits in situations not addressed by the market, effectively contributing to universal access to Justice. Cases with unfavorable first instance ruling, investment tickets that are too small, complex situations, etc.

Social purpose

Our capital serves Justice, benefiting corporates and lawyers

Our capital and efforts facilitate judicial bodies to carry out their duties, while enabling companies to unlock value from their legal assets, contributing to the economic and social development of the societies where we invest


Our investments are tailored to the needs of each company and lawyer, with flexible conditions, specifically designed for each situation

We look for the best financing formulas for each client, maximizing their outcome and fitting all the pieces together to create a mechanism that works for all parties involved

Excellence and honesty

We carry out our investment work with excellence, applying professional and ethical values, managing the entire investment process with transparency and honesty


We are a multidisciplinary team, combining national and international experience in leading law-firms, financial institutions, and tech companies

Member of the
Investment Committee


Data Engineer - Strategic Advisor

CTO – Software Engineer

International Lawyer - External Advisor

Accounting and Tax

Agent for Litigation Finance Insurance

Fernando de Castro

Fernando de Castro

Miembro del Comité de Inversión

Fernando comenzó su carrera como abogado en Uría Menéndez, un importante despacho de abogados español. Posteriormente se trasladó a Londres y trabajó como analista financiero para Houlihan Lokey, banco de inversión especializado en reestructuraciones.

La experiencia adquirida le sirvió para convertirse en inversor especializado en situaciones especiales, productos de deuda e inversiones en empresas en distress, trabajando para el fondo de inversión estadounidense HIG Capital.

En Claimbnb compagina su labor de miembro del Comité de Inversión con la originación y estructuración de nuevas oportunidades de inversión.

Fernando es Licenciado en Derecho y Administración y Dirección de Empresas por ICADE (E3).

Fernando de Castro

Fernando de Castro

Member of the Investment Committee

Fernando began his career as a lawyer at Uría Menéndez, a leading Spanish law firm. He later moved to London and worked as a financial analyst for Houlihan Lokey, an investment bank specializing in restructurings.

The experience he gained allowed him to become an investor specializing in special situations, debt products, and investments in distressed companies, working for the U.S. investment fund HIG Capital.

At Claimbnb, he combines his role as a member of the Investment Committee with the origination and structuring of new investment opportunities.

Fernando holds a degree in Law and Business Administration from ICADE (E3).

Víctor Lobo

Víctor Lobo

Director de inversiones

Víctor ha desarrollado su carrera profesional en diferentes instituciones financieras como Banco Santander o ING, liderando proyectos de crédito y lanzando productos desde cero. Desde que dejó ING en 2016, ha liderado diferentes proyectos fintech en diferentes países. Víctor es además un experto en financiación al consumo.

Compagina la gestión del Fondo I de Claimbnb con la gestión de la inversión en diversos activos legales y alternativos.

Víctor es Licenciado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

Víctor Lobo

Víctor Lobo

Chief Investment Officer

Víctor has developed his professional career at various financial institutions such as Banco Santander and ING, leading credit projects and launching products from scratch. Since leaving ING in 2016, he has led various fintech projects in different countries. Víctor is also an expert in consumer finance.

He combines managing Claimbnb’s Fund I with overseeing investments in various legal and alternative assets.

Víctor holds a degree in Business Administration from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

Juan Sebastian Montijano Carbonell

Juan Sebastián Montijano-Carbonell

Director de inversiones

Juanse cuenta con más de 13 años de experiencia en banca de inversión y private equity.

Antes de incorporarse a Claimbnb como Director de Inversiones, Juanse trabajó durante dos años en AltamarCAM, donde era Director Ejecutivo del área de Advisory. Anteriormente, trabajó durante diez años en Credit Suisse, donde formó parte del equipo de Consumer & Retail en Londres, y de la oficina de España cubriendo clientes en Iberia.

Anteriormente, Juanse estuvo más de un año en PAI Partners apoyando en la originación y ejecución de operaciones, así como monitorizando compañías del portfolio.

Juanse es Licenciado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas por ICADE (E2).

Cuenta con experiencia como inversor en litigación desde 2020 y desde el Q3 2024 es Director de Inversiones en Claimbnb, liderando la originación y estructuración de nuevas oportunidades de inversión.

Juan Sebastian Montijano Carbonell

Juan Sebastián Montijano-Carbonell

Chief Investment Officer

Juanse has over 13 years of experience in investment banking and private equity.

Before joining Claimbnb as Chief Investment Officer, Juanse worked for two years at AltamarCAM, where he was Executive Director in the Advisory area. Previously, he spent ten years at Credit Suisse, where he was part of the Consumer & Retail team in London, and worked in the Spain office covering clients in Iberia.

Before that, Juanse spent over a year at PAI Partners, supporting the origination and execution of deals, as well as monitoring portfolio companies.

Juanse holds a degree in Business Administration from ICADE (E2).

He has experience as a litigation investor since 2020, and since Q3 2024, he has served as Chief Investment Officer at Claimbnb, leading the origination and structuring of new investment opportunities.

José Manuel Navarro

Data Engineer - Strategic Advisor

José Manuel has over 20 years of experience as a software and data engineer. He began his career as a software programmer for legal applications while working for the publisher Lex Nova. Since then, he has worked for more than a dozen companies and projects across various sectors.

Since Q3-2024, José Manuel has been guiding, as strategic advisor, the development of Claimbnb’s proprietary software tools used for investment decision-making.

José Manuel Navarro

Ingeniero de Datos – Strategic Advisor

José Manuel cuenta con más de 20 años de experiencia como ingeniero de software y de datos. Comenzó su carrera como programador de software para aplicaciones para abogados trabajando para la editorial Lex Nova. Desde entonces ha trabajado para más de una decena de empresas y proyectos en distintos sectores.

Desde el Q3-2024 José Manuel supervisa como strategic advisor el desarrollo de las herramientas de software propietarias de Claimbnb empleadas en la toma de decisiones de inversión.   

Miguel Sánchez Marcos

CTO – Software Engineer

Miguel has over 15 years of experience as a software and data engineer. He has experience developing more than 200 projects across a broad technological spectrum and for a wide range of fields: web, mobile applications, industrial solutions, research projects, Cloud Computing, etc. He has delivered effective solutions to more than 50 clients throughout his extensive career.

Since Q3-2024, Miguel has been leading, as CTO, the development of Claimbnb’s proprietary software tools used in investment decision-making and origination.

Miguel Sánchez Marcos

CTO – Ingeniero de Software

Miguel cuenta con más de 15 años de experiencia como ingeniero de software y de datos. Tiene experiencia desarrollando más de 200 proyectos en un amplio abanico tecnológico y para todo tipo de campos: web, aplicaciones móviles, soluciones industriales, proyectos de investigación, Cloud Computing, etc. Ha entregado soluciones efectivas para más de 50 clientes en su dilatada carrera.

Desde el Q3-2024 Miguel lidera como CTO el desarrollo de las herramientas de software propietarias de Claimbnb empleadas en la toma de decisiones de inversión y de originación.  

Kartikey Mahajan

International Lawyer - External Advisor

Kartikey is a licensed lawyer in New York (United States), England and Wales (with rights of audience), India, and Singapore.

His legal practice has specialized in international arbitrations, which he leads from a global firm where he is a partner.

Since Q2-2024, Kartikey has been advising Claimbnb on the analysis of investment opportunities that involve legal matters related to the jurisdictions in which he has experience.

Additionally, Kartikey originates investment opportunities in international arbitrations for Claimbnb.

Kartikey Mahajan

Abogado Internacional - External Advisor

Kartikey es abogado con licencia para ejercer en Nueva York (Estados Unidos), Inglaterra y Gales (con derechos de audiencia), la India, y Singapur.

Su práctica legal se ha especializado en arbitrajes internacionales los cuales lidera desde una firma global en la que es socio.

Desde Q2-2024 Kartikey asesora a Claimbnb en el análisis de oportunidades de inversión que tienen un componente de derecho relativo a las jurisdicciones en las que él tiene experiencia.

Adicionalmente, Kartikey origina oportunidades de inversión en arbitrajes internacionales para Claimbnb.

Juan Chaparro

Head of Accounting and Taxation

Juan graduated Summa Cum Laude from Loyola University (Chicago).

He began his professional career at Rugui Brights, LLC (Chicago) and Deutsche Bank (Spain). Juan coordinates other professionals in Claimbnb’s daily tax, accounting, and administrative operations. He provides his services through Galamica Abogados & Economistas, a firm that offers additional accounting and tax management services, with lawyers and economists boasting over 30 years of professional experience.

Juan Chaparro

Responsable de Contabilidad y Fiscalidad

Juan se graduó Summa Cum Laude en la Universidad de Loyola (Chicago).

Empezó su carrera profesional en Rugui Brights, LLC (Chicago) y Deutsche Bank (España). Juan coordina a otros profesionales en las operaciones diarias de impuestos, contabilidad y administración de Claimbnb. Juan presta sus servicios a través de Galamica Abogados & Economistas, firma que presta otros servicios de contabilidad y gestión de impuestos y que cuenta con abogados y economistas con más de 30 años de experiencia profesional.


Insurance Agent for Litigation Investment

Litica is an underwriter of insurance for litigation investment.

The investment structures we propose to both our investors and clients can make use of specialized insurance products for litigation investment and other legal assets.

Litica is an insurance underwriter that acts as a specialized agent with the capacity to underwrite risks on behalf of major international insurers with strong credit ratings.

Claimbnb has been working with Litica since 2022, successfully offering solutions that add value to our investors and clients.

Contact person: Edward Yell (Managing Director)


Agente de seguros para inversión en litigación

Litica es un underwriter de seguros para inversión en litigación.

Las estructuras de inversión que planteamos tanto a nuestros inversores como a nuestros clientes pueden hacer uso de productos de seguro especializados en inversión en litigación y otros activos legales.

Litica es un underwriter de seguros que actúa como agente especializado con capacidad de suscribir riesgos en nombre de las principales aseguradoras internacionales con ratings crediticios sólidos.

Claimbnb lleva trabajando con Litica desde 2022, ofreciendo con éxito soluciones que añaden valor a nuestros inversores y clientes.

Persona de contacto: Edward Yell (Managing Director)

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