Claim of damages from medical negligence



Type of lawsuit:

Professional negligence


Litigation and arbitration finance, coverage of adverse claims


An individual subject to medical malpractice needed the money necessary to file a lawsuit for the damages suffered. Needed to pay for the costs of the various medical experts who had to prove the negligence and quantify the damages caused as a result of the negligence. The plaintiff could not afford the costs of the claim, nor could bear the risk of losing the case and having to pay adverse cost awards


Claimbnb structured an investment that:

  • Allowed the individual to hire the best legal counsel and economic professionals

  • Covered a high portion of the potential adverse costs in case of unfavorable ruling


The plaintiff accessed the necessary funds, not only to sue the hospital, but also to hire the best legal professionals and medical experts, without the risk of potential adverse cost awards. This resulted in the plaintiff winning the lawsuit, where the judge awarded the full amount claimed

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