Aviso legal


In compliance with Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on the Law of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, Internet Users (hereinafter referred to as the User or Users) are informed that this Legal Notice and these Terms of Use (hereinafter, collectively referred to as the Terms of Use) regulate access to and use of the services that CLAIMBNB S.L., a company domiciled at Calle Ferraz 73, 6º-B, 28008 – Madrid (Spain), with Tax ID No.: B10753515, registered in the Madrid Commercial Registry in Volume 37443, Page 207, Sheet M-667496, Entry 1 (hereinafter referred to as CLAIMBNB), makes available to Users through this domain (hereinafter referred to as THE PLATFORM).

These Terms of Use shall apply jointly with CLAIMBNB’s Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, General Terms and any other document that regulates aspects of THE PLATFORM, which may be agreed upon between the Users and CLAIMBNB, without one prevailing over the other.


Access to THE PLATFORM is subject to the prior reading and acceptance by any User of the terms, conditions, communications, warnings, and legal notices contained in this document. From the moment Users enter and use THE PLATFORM, they are accepting CLAIMBNB’s Terms of Use. If any User does not agree with the content or part of the content of these Terms of Use, they must leave THE PLATFORM, and will not be able to access or use the services offered therein.

The Terms of Use set out here are applicable to all forms of access to THE PLATFORM, including the Internet, via mobile, or any other device.

The User declares that they are of legal age and/or have the necessary legal capacity to be bound by the Terms of Use. Likewise, they expressly and without exception accept that access to and use of THE PLATFORM, its services, and content takes place under their sole and exclusive responsibility.

These Terms of Use do not exclude the possibility that certain services or tools offered on THE PLATFORM may be subject to special conditions of use, which in any case may be consulted by the User before their activation.

Entry and browsing of THE PLATFORM is free, and does not require prior subscription or registration. However, access to and contracting of services offered by CLAIMBNB in the Private area of THE PLATFORM, or by third parties through it, are subject to the prior contracting of the service as specified in the General Terms of THE PLATFORM or the terms of such third parties.

Links to other websites that may exist, as well as the User’s use of them, are subject to these Terms of Use and to the specific terms of those websites. Any use other than that authorised is expressly prohibited.

CLAIMBNB reserves the right to make any changes or modifications it deems appropriate to THE PLATFORM and its Terms of Use without prior notice.


The User is obliged to make lawful use of THE PLATFORM and the services offered therein in accordance with current legislation, respecting the Intellectual and/or Industrial Property rights of CLAIMBNB and any third party.

The User guarantees that their activities on THE PLATFORM will comply with the law, morality, public order, and good customs, and undertakes that under no circumstances will they be offensive and/or harmful to CLAIMBNB or any other company, other Users of the Website, and/or any third party.

The User undertakes not to perform any actions through THE PLATFORM and/or the services offered by CLAIMBNB that may cause damage or alterations, hinder the functioning of THE PLATFORM, cause technical problems, transmit elements carrying computer viruses, or damage, interfere with, or partially intercept THE PLATFORM, and to not interfere with or alter the email of other Users.

Users may not establish any link and/or hyperlink to THE PLATFORM from any other website without the prior and express consent of CLAIMBNB unless otherwise indicated on THE PLATFORM. Likewise, Users undertake not to use prohibited elements such as viruses or spam, or links to them.


If THE PLATFORM contains links or hyperlinks to other websites not managed by CLAIMBNB, CLAIMBNB states that it does not exercise any control over those websites, nor is it responsible for their content. The links that THE PLATFORM may contain are offered solely for informational purposes, without any kind of assessment regarding the content, services, or products offered by them.

In no case will the links be considered as a recommendation, sponsorship, or distribution by CLAIMBNB of third-party products, services, or content owned by such third parties or in any way disseminated by them, unless such a mention is made expressly.

CLAIMBNB disclaims all responsibility for services provided by third parties in relation to any claims of any nature and lawsuits that may be filed in relation to them.


CLAIMBNB will provide the services offered on THE PLATFORM, ensuring the confidentiality of communications that may occur with the User and responding to claims that may be made.

CLAIMBNB has the right to temporarily suspend access to THE PLATFORM without prior notice, as well as to reserve the right to provide or cancel the services, attempting to notify Users in advance, whenever circumstances allow.

CLAIMBNB does not guarantee the truthfulness, reliability, accuracy, timeliness, or suitability of the information provided to Users by third parties.

The User understands and accepts that THE PLATFORM has been created and developed in good faith by CLAIMBNB and is offered in its current state to the Users.

Nevertheless, CLAIMBNB does not control or guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in THE PLATFORM’s content that may cause alterations to the User’s computer system (software and hardware) or to the electronic documents and files stored in their computer system. CLAIMBNB is exempt from any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the presence of viruses in the content and elements of THE PLATFORM that may cause alterations to the computer system, electronic documents, files, etc.

CLAIMBNB is not responsible for access problems and/or incorrect access by Users to THE PLATFORM due to the use of an unsuitable computer system (software and hardware) or the use of certain browsers, Internet access restrictions, etc., and/or any other circumstances that may affect access to THE PLATFORM by Users.

CLAIMBNB reserves the right to oppose and/or remove any comment, content, etc., that infringes these Terms of Use, its Privacy and Cookie Policies, and/or its General Terms, from the moment it becomes aware of such an infringement, as well as to deny or cancel access to THE PLATFORM to any person or entity at CLAIMBNB’s discretion. Therefore, Users may notify CLAIMBNB of any violation of the Terms of Use, its Privacy and Cookie Policies, and/or its General Terms at the following address: clientes@wp.marosavat.com.


CLAIMBNB will comply at all times with both the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (General Data Protection Regulation) and Spanish Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on Personal Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights, as well as all current regulations on the protection of personal data and the use of Cookies. Users can find more information in the Website’s Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.


CLAIMBNB, as the holder or exclusive or non-exclusive licensee, holds all Intellectual and Industrial Property rights over all elements of THE PLATFORM, including but not limited to software and its source and object codes, texts, graphics, videos, images, designs, distinctive signs, logos, trade names, trademarks, software files, colour combinations, as well as the structure, selection, arrangement, and presentation of the content. Therefore, as CLAIMBNB holds or is licensed the Intellectual and Industrial Property exploitation rights over these elements, their reproduction, distribution, public communication, and/or transformation is prohibited for all Users, in any form or format, unless otherwise indicated on THE PLATFORM. Likewise, reproduction, copying, or partial or total transfer of THE PLATFORM’s elements, for any purpose and by any means, is prohibited.

Viewing and using the aforementioned elements, content, and services of THE PLATFORM is authorised for personal use and for the authorised uses of THE PLATFORM, but not for commercial use.

The distinctive signs, logos, trade names, and/or trademarks of other companies, which may appear on THE PLATFORM during the User’s browsing, are owned by each of them, and CLAIMBNB has the necessary rights and consent for their inclusion on THE PLATFORM.

CLAIMBNB will make every effort to ensure that the contents and elements of THE PLATFORM do not violate the law and/or are not xenophobic, discriminatory, pornographic, racist, and do not promote violence, taking appropriate measures as soon as it becomes aware of such infringements.


These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between CLAIMBNB and the User regarding the subject matter hereof and may only be modified by a written amendment signed by an authorised person from CLAIMBNB or through the publication of a revised version by CLAIMBNB. This is without prejudice to the provisions of CLAIMBNB’s Privacy and Cookie Policies and General Terms and THE PLATFORM’s terms.

If any clause of these Terms of Use is declared totally or partially null or ineffective, it will only affect that provision or the part of it that is null or ineffective, and the rest of the Terms of Use will remain in full force and effect, unless the clause in question is essential to these Terms of Use, in which case it may affect them entirely.

Users will be subject to the Terms of Use in force at all times while using THE PLATFORM, without prejudice to the provisions of the General Terms on the contracting of services and/or when the law or a competent authority determines otherwise.


These Terms of Use, the Privacy and Cookie Policies, and/or the General Terms of CLAIMBNB, as well as any relationship between Users and CLAIMBNB, shall be governed by Spanish law. In the event of any conflict regarding the application or interpretation of these documents, the parties submit to the courts and tribunals of the capital of Madrid.

Without prejudice to the foregoing, where the User is considered a Consumer, they may claim their rights as such in relation to the Terms of Use, the Privacy and Cookie Policies, and/or the General Terms of CLAIMBNB either in Spain or in their Member State of residence within the European Union.

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