Damages arising from actions restricting competition


Spanish tech company

Type of lawsuit:

Anti-trust, Intellectual and Industrial Property


Monetization, litigation and arbitration finance


A Spanish technology company operated in a sector dominated by another company that engaged in an anticompetitive conduct under Spanish law that prevented the free development of competition. The conduct had been considered anticompetitive by the court, but had been appealed. The technology company needed capital to continue developing its business and grow, and could not wait for the final ruling to access liquidity, and even less bearing the risk of getting a negative final ruling


Claimbnb structured an investment that:

  • Allowed the company to hire the best legal counsel and economic professionals
  • Monetized a significant part of the amount claimed


The plaintiff accessed the best legal counsel and economic experts to answer the claim appeal. He was also able to monetize the claim while retaining significant exposure to the amount claimed in the event of a positive ruling of the lawsuit

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